Monday, May 25, 2009

Give me a Guinness, Please!

A long time ago I used to blog on a regular basis. At some point I decided that I didn't want to do it anymore, but now that I travel and am constantly having new experiences, I thought it was about time I began to blog again. 

Out of all the places I've been in the last year there is no place like Ireland. I love the green countryside and the demeanour of the Irish. They are such kind people and coming here is never dull. When I came here for the first time it was because someone didn't show up for a trip - so I was called out. On that trip I met a fabulous friend who I'll call Mel. I love Mel and I was able to get on another trip with her and today we are going to have some adventures around Limerick. 

This job has been an adventure to say the least and in a way I'm still adapting to the schedule and lifestyle. I sometimes think back to the days before I was a flight attendant, and I'm hoping to do more film work in the future and take some time off from the skies. I love being an 'air hostess', but at times it does get tiring being up in the air constantly and opening coke cans. 

I think that in June I may try to fly a little less. I'm working on some financial goals - but I think some time off would be a great idea. I have this screenplay idea for a romantic comedy, actually two of them, and I'm hoping I can develop the discipline to get them on paper. Nothing would be more great than to sell a screenplay and make some major cash. Until then can I have a guinness please? 


vivianne dagny said...

you're my favorite air hostess in the sky and i love you.

Lani Sakai Blog said...

hey Eric, put me in the pool for associate writers - 'kay?

Knave said...

Re: Useless IPhone.

I also have an Iphone but did anyone realize that dropped calls are unique to IPhone users. Users with other phones on AT&T network do not have this issue. The problem is only unique to Iphones. So forgive AT&T for negiotiating a contract with Apple. Whether the world likes it or not, it is the IPhone that is the problem and not AT&T. It is the IPhone that cannot connect to the network not the netwrok not connecting to the IPhone. Apple needs to be sued. Any other phone on the AT&T network, other than Apple's IPhone, works just fine. Now how can it be AT&T's fault is Apple is selling crappy equipment and we, who love apple so much, are blind to Appl's faults. So, please send a letter to Mr. Steve Jobs as well. Let us look at the facts and draw the right conclusion. Do not proceed with the assumption that the IPhone is flawless. Case in point, type an e-mai.l address incorrectly and then watch it pops up everytime you try to send an e-mail to that respondent. So, please expose the worm in the Apple.


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